Whether called a legal intake call center or simply an answering service, our industry is absolutely crucial for those in the legal profession. Lawyers and their staff should be busy working with their clients and their cases rather than being distracted by complex communications, endless voice mail, and a litany of calls that may or not be worth your time. That’s where our live, professional answering service comes in.
If you are a lawyer, enlisting the help of a call center can greatly improve your practice’s efficiency, communication, client relationships, and your staff’s overall ability to do their jobs.
Here are just a few of the many reasons why lawyers should consider hiring a call center such as BIG Messages for their practice:
No More Clients Slipping Through the Cracks
If you are not using a call center for your law firm, how many potential clients are you missing out on by not having the phones manned 24/7 or when you or your staff are out of the office? With a call center, these potential clients and cases will no longer slip through your fingers and can instead be addressed promptly and professionally.
Saving Money
By employing the services of a call center, law firms can actually end up saving money on administrative processes and costs, along with other overhead, such as phone bills and additional full-time employees. These savings will only grow over time, as well, so you should enlist a call center sooner rather than later if you want to start saving money while simultaneously making your operation far more efficient.
A User-Friendly Experience
Through the use of a call center, you are ensuring that incoming or returning clients will have a user experience that is both simple to understand and easily accessible. An improved client experience means improved client engagement, which can increase your firm’s reputation and result in even more new clients pouring in to acquire your services.
Improved Client Experience and Communication
Using a call center ensures that all of your communication needs will be handled promptly, professionally, and securely, maximizing the ability of lawyers and their staff to relay critical information to clients.
Efficient Operations
One of the greatest strengths a call center can bring to your practice is making your operation as streamlined and efficient as possible. Your full-time staff will no longer need to take time away from their busy schedules to handle non-essential tasks. Instead, they can dedicate their time and energy to their duties.
Contact BIG Messages for Professional Answering Services for Law Firms
Learn how BIG Messages Telephone Answering Service can make a big difference for your law firm and help you save money simultaneously.
Think of all you can accomplish with your phone calls forwarded to our team of answering operators, along with an entire suite of administrative services and messaging technologies to help support your law firm.
Imagine how much more attention you can dedicate to your clients with BIG’s highly-trained employees fielding your firm’s calls and managing its busy schedule. Focus on what you do best and allow BIG to handle the rest. Contact us today and take advantage of our 30-day free trial!