Live Anesthesiologist Phone Answering Service & Telemessaging Center
Live Medical Phone Answering and Telemessaging Call Center Service. Cost-Effective Live Operators – Professional call handling for inbound contact centers of anesthesiologists.
• Alphanumeric Text Message Delivery • HIPAA Compliant Secure Messaging (upon request) • Intelligent Automation for the Health Care Industry • Voice Mail for Direct and Easy Access • Email Delivery • Fax Message Delivery • Back-up Email and Faxes of Messages • Paging Services To Any Service Provider.
HIPAA Compliance for Medical Doctor and Healthcare Providers – No extra charge for secure HIPAA. Please request HIPAA setup when establishing your BIG phone answering service account.
BIG Messages Phone Answering Service is a 100% USA Operation, and 23 years in business. We staff Bi-Lingual Operators and are heavily invested in state-of-the-art automated telemessaging equipment working around-the-clock 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – And you will never pay extra for holidays or weekends. Our phone answering service is every business owner’s best friend.
Doctor Phone Answering and Telemessaging Call Center Services.
1 Flat Rate – Unlimited – Call (888) 924-4637 for complete details.
1-month free trial introductory offer for Anesthesiologist offices. HIPAA Compliant Call Center – Please request HIPAA when setting up your Anesthesiologist account.
We serve Anesthesiologists with our low one-flat rate for unlimited calls. Learn how BIG Messages can make a big difference for your Anesthesiologist practice and help save money at the same time by
calling us at (888) 924-4637.
America’s #1 Anesthesiologist Phone Answering Service and Messaging Center with state-of-the-art technology and live bilingual operators.
BIG Message is the preferred answering service for anesthesiologists, as we offer the best solutions to the demands for both non-secure messages and HIPAA compliance messaging. Some additional benefits include:
OnviCall™ Business Application Management – Complete call handling for inbound contact centers.
Offer more services, handle larger call volumes and deliver customized solutions with OnviCall™ integrated telephony. Some features include call handling, web access, message dispatch features and more – all through our integrated, easy-to-use OnviNet™ platform.
Detailed messages are sent directly to cellular phones, and various wireless devices. Text Messages are numbered and time-stamped in sequence and can be faxed or emailed as a backup.
Our phone answering service is every business owner’s best friend.
With expertise, a hands-on approach, and a personal touch, BIG Messages has earned and developed a reputation for providing the most reliable and consistent professional answering services in the industry. Founded in July 1997 by Ira Perlstein and Glenn Lieberman, together they possess over 45 years of experience and service clients nationwide.
BIG Messages offers unlimited calls at one flat rate. BIG’s package is all-inclusive. It includes a local forwarding number dedicated to your business, unlimited calls, unlimited usage of our services provided, as well as your own personal voicemail. Moreover, there are no set up fees or any additional holiday charges.
With BIG you will never need to audit your answering service invoices again. Please call us at (888) 924-4637 for a customized quote, or click here to fill out our contact form, and receive a call back within one business day.
Detailed alphanumeric messages are sent directly to pagers, cellular phones, and various wireless devices. Text Messages are numbered and time-stamped in sequence and can be faxed or emailed as a backup.
Email can be sent immediately after taking your call, at pre-determined times, or days of the week to one or multiple addresses.
Fully computerized faxing and emailing of all messages. Faxes can be sent immediately after taking your call, at pre-determined times, or days of the week to one or multiple phone numbers.
We provide high-quality answering and virtual phone service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year including holidays. We treat every caller like they are our only priority, with warmth and professionalism.
1140 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite 200,Admin Hours:
Email General Inquiries To:
[email protected]